
· 旋片真空泵,水环真空泵,罗茨真空泵,真空泵

特点:Features:◆结构简单,水环真空泵,运行可靠 Simple structure and reliable operation◆节省空间,易于安装 Save space and easy to install◆意外故障,易于...

品牌 三维真空设备
总量 不限
包装 不限
物流 货运及物流
交货 按订单



◆结构简单,水环真空泵,运行可靠 Simple structure and reliable operation

◆节省空间,易于安装 Save space and easy to install

◆意外故障,易于维护 Easy to maintain unexpected failure

◆规格多样 Various specifications

它除了具有一般罗茨真空泵机组的一些特点外,由于采用水环式真空泵作前级泵,因此,旋片真空泵,它特别适用于抽除含较多蒸气及有一定腐蚀性气体的工业流程中。例如:For example:制药业的真空蒸馏、真空蒸发、脱水结晶;轻纺工业的涤纶切片干燥;食品工业的冷冻、干燥等工艺均可采用。

Besides having some features of general Roots vacuum pump, this unit treats two-stage water-ring vacuum pump as prepump,罗茨真空泵, so it is specially suitable for industrial-process with a large quantity of vapor and some corrosive gases.The process such as vacuum distillation, vacuum evaporation,真空泵, dehydration and crystallization in pharmacy, polyester chips drying in textile industry, freezing and drying in food industry could be adopted.
